Top 3 AI Image Generators of 2024

Artificial intelligence is transforming the design landscape, offering powerful tools to create stunning visuals. Here, we explore the best AI image generators of 2024, how to use them, and their impact on design.

AI image generators have revolutionized how designers create visuals. These tools save time, enhance creativity, and produce high-quality images suitable for various projects. With advancements in AI technology, these tools have become more accessible and versatile, enabling both professionals and amateurs to produce impressive designs.

In 2024, several AI image generators stand out for their unique features and capabilities. Whether you need imaginative, artistic, or realistic images, these tools provide powerful solutions to meet diverse design needs.

CCAI Image Generators


DALL·E 3, developed by OpenAI, is a leading AI image generator known for its ability to create highly detailed and imaginative images from text prompts. It leverages advanced algorithms to transform simple descriptions into intricate visuals, making it a favorite among designers who require unique and creative images.

To use DALL·E 3, start by accessing the platform and entering a descriptive text prompt. The AI will generate images based on your description. Experiment with different phrases and styles to maximize the tool’s potential, and refine your inputs to get closer to your desired outcome.


MidJourney focuses on generating artistic and aesthetically pleasing images. This AI tool is perfect for creative projects, offering fine-tuning and style customization options that appeal to designers. It stands out for its ability to produce visually striking images with minimal input, making it a valuable resource for artists.

Using MidJourney involves joining their Discord server where you can input text prompts to generate images. Interact with the AI directly, adjust your prompts based on feedback, and explore various artistic styles to achieve the best results.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion, developed by Stability AI, excels in creating realistic and high-resolution images, making it ideal for applications requiring photo-realistic visuals like product mockups and architectural designs. Its flexibility allows users to run it locally or via online platforms, catering to different accessibility needs.

Stable Diffusion can be run locally or accessed online. Set up the software on your system and input your text prompts. Use specific keywords to guide the AI in generating accurate and detailed visuals. For detailed setup instructions, refer to our guide on how to run Stable Diffusion on Windows.

How to Use an AI Image Generator

How to Use DALL·E 3

To use DALL·E 3, you need to be a ChatGPT Plus subscriber. Here’s a simple guide to get started.

1. Subscribe to ChatGPT Plus: Sign up for a ChatGPT account if you don’t have one. Then, click “Upgrade plan” on the left sidebar and select the $20/month plan. Enter your payment details to complete the subscription.

2. Access DALL·E 3: Once subscribed, go to ChatGPT and ensure you’re using ChatGPT 4 or ChatGPT 4o. You can also use the DALL·E GPT model.

3. Generate Images: Enter a text prompt or interact with the AI using natural language, similar to ChatGPT. Using ChatGPT 4 or 4o will generate one image per prompt, while the DALL·E 3 GPT model provides two images per prompt.

DALL·E 3’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for both beginners and experienced designers to create high-quality images. By experimenting with various styles and descriptions, users can unlock the full potential of this powerful AI tool.

How to Use MidJourney

MidJourney is accessible through its Discord server. After joining, you can input text prompts to start generating images. The AI responds to your prompts by creating visuals that match your description. To get the best results, interact with the AI by refining your prompts based on the feedback you receive.

MidJourney is designed for ease of use, allowing designers to quickly generate and refine artistic images. Its capability to produce high-quality visuals with minimal input makes it a popular choice for creative professionals.

For more detailed guidance on How to use MidJourney.

How to Use Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion requires a bit of setup if you want to run it locally. First, download and install the necessary software. Once set up, you can input text prompts to generate images. The AI uses these prompts to create detailed and realistic visuals. Specific keywords and clear descriptions will help you achieve the best results.

For those who prefer an easier setup, Stable Diffusion can also be accessed online. This flexibility makes it a versatile tool for designers who need high-quality, realistic images.

For more detailed guidance on Stable Diffusion 👇

Comparison of AI Image Generators

FeatureDALL·E 3MidJourneyStable Diffusion
Parent CompanyOpenAIMidjourneyStability AI
Price$20/month with ChatGPT Plus$10/monthFree/Open-source
Access OptionsOnlineDiscordLocal/Online
DALL·E 3 excels in creative and imaginative outputs, MidJourney is best for artistic and stylized visuals, while Stable Diffusion offers realistic and high-resolution images. Choose based on your specific project needs and budget.

Can You Use AI Images for Commercial Use?

Yes, many AI-generated images can be used commercially. However, when considering the use of AI-generated images for commercial purposes, it’s essential to understand the licensing terms associated with these images. Platforms like Oksuro provide detailed licensing information to help you navigate this landscape.

At Oksuro, the images and prompts available on the platform can be used freely, but it’s important to check the specific licensing details to ensure compliance. Typically, the AI-generated images on Oksuro can be used for various projects, including commercial ones, without requiring attribution, as long as they adhere to the platform’s guidelines.

However, it’s crucial to note that while using AI-generated images for personal or small-scale commercial projects might be straightforward, larger commercial endeavors require careful consideration of the legal landscape. The U.S. Copyright Office has indicated that AI-generated content is not eligible for traditional copyright protection, which leaves a grey area regarding ownership and usage rights. This ambiguity has led to lawsuits, such as those against Stability AI, highlighting the need for clear regulations and ethical practices in the use of AI-generated images.

For anyone planning to integrate AI-generated images extensively into their commercial strategy, staying updated with the latest legal developments and understanding platform-specific licensing terms is vital. Always ensure that your use of these images does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others and aligns with the ethical guidelines promoted by the AI and creative communities.

For detailed information on Oksuro’s licensing and how to use AI-generated images responsibly.

Legislation of AI-Generated Images

The European Union’s AI Act is pioneering legislation aimed at regulating AI technologies, including AI-generated images. This Act categorizes AI applications by risk level, with specific guidelines for each category to ensure ethical and safe use.

AI systems like those generating images are under scrutiny to prevent misuse. The Act prohibits certain high-risk applications, such as systems that exploit individuals or perform mass surveillance. High-risk applications must comply with stringent requirements, ensuring transparency, accountability, and respect for fundamental rights.

For example, AI systems used in public services, education, or employment must adhere to legal standards to protect users’ rights. On the other hand, limited-risk AI systems, such as chatbots or deepfake tools, require clear disclosure to users about their AI nature. Low-risk AI systems have minimal regulations but are still encouraged to follow best practices for transparency and ethics.

The U.S. has also indicated that AI-generated content isn’t eligible for traditional copyright protection, which adds a layer of complexity to their commercial use. As legal frameworks evolve, staying informed about these regulations helps ensure responsible and ethical use of AI-generated images.

CategoryProhibition StatusExamplesDescription
Prohibited AINot Allowed– Mass Surveillance SystemsSystems scraping facial images from the internet or CCTV for database creation.
– Emotion Recognition SystemsSystems inferring emotions for evaluations in workplaces or schools, with some exceptions like drowsiness detection in pilots.
High-Risk AIAllowed with Compliance– Public Service SystemsSystems for evaluating eligibility for public services, prioritizing emergency responses.
– Education and Training SystemsSystems for student evaluation and job training.
– Employment Management SystemsSystems for recruitment, promotion, termination, job allocation, performance evaluation, and behavior monitoring.
– Law Enforcement SystemsSystems analyzing data for crime evidence evaluation.
– Immigration and Border Management SystemsSystems assessing risks of entrants, lie detection, and identifying forged documents.
Limited-Risk AIAllowed with Transparency– Interaction SystemsAI systems interacting with humans (e.g., chatbots).
– Deepfake SystemsAI-generated or manipulated visual and audio content.
Low-Risk AIAllowed Without Obligations– General AI SystemsAI systems not falling under the above categories.

For designers and users of AI-generated images, understanding and complying with the AI Act is essential to navigate the evolving legal landscape responsibly. The Act’s emphasis on safety, transparency, and ethical use aims to foster innovation while protecting users and creators alike.

👉For more information on the EU AI Act and its implications.

AI image generators are transformative tools that can significantly enhance your design projects. Whether you’re looking for imaginative visuals, artistic styles, or realistic images, these tools offer diverse capabilities to meet your creative needs. However, it’s crucial to navigate the evolving legal and ethical landscape surrounding AI-generated content responsibly.

Understanding the implications of AI legislation, such as the EU’s AI Act, and staying informed about the licensing terms of platforms like Oksuro will help you use AI-generated images effectively and ethically. By doing so, you can harness the power of AI to elevate your designs while respecting intellectual property rights and promoting ethical practices.

For more insights and access to inspiring AI-generated images, visit Oksuro.

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